Fresh Eyes
“I put the subject of the end times on the shelf years ago. If the best theologians have such conflicting views and can’t seem to sort things out, what hope does a layman like me have for making sense of it?”
Does this quote describe you? Here is the book to draw you back! This book will make the end times accessible and of interest to you once again.
What is the End Times Story?
Stephen Haig’s book relates the story of the end times directly from the pages of Scripture.
The book begins with two chapters establishing the foundations of a biblical view of the end times, followed by three chapters developing the underlying theme of the Kingdom of God and the historical framework for the end-time period. Next come five chapters covering key end-time events. The book concludes with a discussion of their chronology and a final chapter offering further reflections..
Scripture References
Total: 300+
Old Testament: 45%
Revelation: 10%
New Testament (other): 45%